Thursday, April 15, 2010

What is the hardest thing you face in your own professional development?

What is something that you think you need to learn to be a better educator, but you just cannot see how you might learn it.

The first thing that comes to mind is finding the time for me to engage in professional development. But I need to change my mindset from "finding" the time to "making" the time. It is so easy to get caught up in the hussle and bussle of teaching. There is so much to do and never enough time. This project for class has really made me think about how I want to improve as an educator, whether it pertains to technology or not. I am finding myself thinking of short and long term goals for myself as I drive down the highway. I have always known that I need to continue my professional development but it is easy to put that priority below others. I think that professional development needs to stay at the top. Or at least be assessed more often than I do in the first place. I am looking forward to writing my professional develoment plan to keep myself acccountable down the road. I think that will definitely mold me into a better teacher!


  1. Time is my biggest challenge as well. I enjoy learning about teaching strategies and researched best practices, but time is not on my side these days. ;)

  2. Time is always, if not the, one of the most limiting factors in this subject. I respect that your thoughts are changing from finding to making time for PD. It is so challenging. I, as we all struggle with energy and time for all the things we wish to do to better ourselves and our classrooms. One of the ways I have made time for PD is to be a member of my state organization for my subject area. It has aided me in making long lasting relationships with other language teachers. At conferences and throughout the year, I have a great network of teachers with whom I collaborate. I too, am looking forward to developing my PD plan. Any opportunity to reflect and prioritize help us to focus on student impact in our classrooms. I like how you said "down the road." Sustaining this drive is essential and a great challenge. Thank you for your input and help this semester.

  3. We (teachers) always have many things to do like plan our classes, keep the track of our students and then families, friends, etc….but I think if we (this class) is here and we are making an effort to be there because we are committed to improve as professionals. I strongly believe if I learned how to manage better my time I will be able to achieve my goals in my PD.

  4. I know what you mean about finding the time to attend meaningful professional development opportunities. Between husband, children, work, school, church, etc., etc., almost every minute is accounted for. My district doesn't mind sending us out for professional development, but I hate to miss too many days of school, and it seems the State Department keeps me hooked up with Special Education functions, umm, development. lol
    I know I need to prioritize learning and using technology in my classroom, but I get overwhelmed trying to decide what to cut out of my life to make room for "one more thing".
