Friday, April 30, 2010

Professional Development Plan

Here are two of my goals for my professional development plan. The one for standard 4 may seem a little silly but I will admit that it applies to me. Any suggestions that you could give would be great! Thanks!

Standard 4
Current Abilities: I have a smartphone that contains a Iot of information that is important for my social, personal, and work life. Sometimes I tend to rely on my cell phone too much.
Needs: I need to demonstrate proper use of checking my cell phone for emails, calls, and texts in front of my students. Hopefully this will impact them for their own cell phone use.
Goal: I will model proper etiquette with use of my cell phone.
Measure: I will assign a time for me to check my cell phone during the teaching day. I will also keep my cell phone kept out of sight so I will not be tempted to check it.
Short-term goal: I will not use my cell phone in front of the students to check or respond to emails and/or texts.
Long- term goal: I will not feel the need to check my cell phone during classroom time.
Self-Assessment: I will evaluate at the end of the week my cell phone usage in the classroom.

Standard 5
Current Abilities: I am aware of some resources and materials to inform myself about current technology.
Needs: Since technology is always changing, it is important to continue learning and sharing about new technologies.
Goal: I will learn a technology well enough to teach other fellow teachers about it.
Measure: I will ask myself and other teachers what they would like to know more about.
Short-term goal: I will find a new technology to learn about and find opportunities to use or implement it.
Long- term goal: When I learn the new technology I will teach it to a fellow colleague.
Self-Assessment: After teaching a fellow colleague I will evaluate the effectiveness of it. Questions to consider are: Did or can they use it in the classroom? How well did it work? I will also keep of log of who and what I taught to someone else. Handouts and information about the technology will also be created to distribute and remind myself of the information I have learned.


  1. I would say #4 seems good I had the same problem my first year and had my students write me reviews and one of their nbig complaints was my cell phone use, embarrassing but I'm much better now. I m using my cell phone now though cause I'm inthe. Field with no access to internet. I'm not surehow iwould function without it. I think 5 is not specific enough based on what we did in class Monday. I too am havng a hard time thinking of a specific technology to learn

  2. On Standard 5- I'm just thinking about your new job. Do they have smartboards there? I know you're already familiar with them, maybe you could just expand your knowledge.
    Like Clarece said, adding a specific technology would be good.
    In fact, you could even teach any of the technologies that we've learned in class like wikis, blogs, audacity... Just explore them more, find educational examples online, and relate to coworkers how they could adapt it for their needs.
    BTW, I really like Standard 4, that's something for a lot of us to think about.

  3. Hi!
    On standard 4 the long term can be extended also to other context like no drive and text….As Oprah said No Phone Zone, and also as extension you can involved your students on this activity and they can be part of your assessment, in fact they can tell you how is your progress on no using your cell phone in class.
    On standard 5 you can be more specific on your current abilities, you can add the new technologies that you know like Audacity, wikis, blog, etc. So you also can include to your needs that you want to learn more about other technologies like smart boards, IPads, Kindles, (just examples). But I suggest you to be more specific on this standard; I believed that you are in the right track!

    GOOD JOB!!

  4. I think 4 is great.
    On 5, I would try to be more specific on what type of technology you would like to learn and then give yourself a timeframe in which to get started learning about it. It just seems kind of general.

    I am having the same problem being specific enough. Overall, I think you are in headed in the right direction though.

